Date : 17/02/2025



English presentation

QualiTerritoires is the professional and national organism for delivery of  qualification titles for agricultural, forestry and rural labours. 

The purpose of the association is to deliver specific qualification titles relative to the activities of the contractors for agricultural, forestry and rural labours and to promote this qualification to the knowledge of everybody.

QualiTerritoires is a pluralist and professional association. It is acknowledged by the French Public Authorities.

Created on the initiative of the Fédération nationale Entrepreneurs des Territoires at the end of 2006, the instances of the association are composed of representatives of labour contractors, their customers, suppliers, technical centers, experts and the French Public Authorities.

A convention signed in January 2007 between the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing and QualiTerritoires specifies the functioning and recognition rules of the qualifications.

A copy of the statutes, the internal rules for assignment and the convention is available on simple request sent by e-mail.

The qualified activities are registered in the nomenclature of the activities of QualiTerritoires. Mechanized or hand-made and special or current labours considered are the aim of a Technical Qualification Form elaborated by a professional Committee for assignment.

According to the qualified activities, the professional Committees for assignment are composed of members and any other qualified people in the field of activities. The technical forms describe the qualification titles for agricultural, forestry and rural labours.

Are you looking for a qualified contractor close to you ?  to find it, please contact us by e-mail indicating which qualification title you are looking for.



For any question, please contact :


44 rue d’Alésia
75682 Paris cedex 14

Phone: +33 (0) 9 79 21 93 14

Fax +33 (0) 1 53 91 44 85

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